Love is a wonderful thing....

....but all these lovely meals out don't help my waistline. So, holiday over, I'm on a diet.
Which means by default that Mr A is on a diet. He bemoaned the contents of my shopping bag earlier "where's the meat???"
We agreed we could each do with losing a little bit; I've got wedding fair season coming up and Mr A is off on tour in a month. Plus it's another thing we can do together. Except whilst I've been good all day with my fresh fruit salad lunch & litres of water, he's had cake from Costa!! Not fair :-(
We did manage to fit in exercise too; 1.5 hours of Zumba & toning for me, and an hour in the gym for Mr A.

On the menu this evening - new potatoes, carrots, seared tuna steak and balsamic roasted tomatoes.

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