What Do I See

By MatthewHicks

Watch Out!

Oliver passed his tractor driving test today. A 16 year-old is now able to drive a tractor around the highways and byways of our area, and has just become much more useful to the farm he works on as part of his college course.

It does seem strange that at 16 he can drive an 8-ton tractor with a trailer, perhaps weighing 5-6 tons but he can't drive a car, and he has to wait until he is 21 to drive a 7.5 ton lorry. Add to that, the first time he can drive on the road is to his driving test. No practice, just straight into his test. It occurred to me as I stood there watching him do his test that the first time he was having to turn right across traffic was in his driving test.

How did he celebrate?

Went rolling 3 fields

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