Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Rescue mission

Had brought home a bunch of squares from the knitting group that I was in for a bit. Had forgotten that I was going to sew them up into a blanket till I met someone on Saturday from the group and she reminded me that it had to be done by Tuesday.

THEN I remembered I had a small jumper a friend was knitting - she'd run out of wool so I offered to take it and rip some of the rib back and replace it (and the other side) with another colour. This is what I did - cept it was far more labour intensive than I realised (there was a mistake in the neck / shoulder part so that had to be unpicked and re-jigged)

SO Tonight, you've got a pic of what I've been doing. Bed now - and I'll finish off the sewing in the morning. Think I'm getting a bit of a reputation for this sort of thing!

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