Planko's Pics

By planko

Sycamore Gap

Backblip from our holiday earlier this year. Stayed at Barn at Beal the night before then drove to Sycamore Gap early morning in the motorhome so we’d get there before the masses.

It’s quite difficult to park an 8m motorhome in a small carpark.

Thankfully, managed to get the spot i wanted which is just perfect size for the van, tucked right in the corner not blocking anyone.

We had a lovely walk/scramble up and down the cliff/hills to get there, at one point I had to lift the dogs through a foot gap in the wall as they couldn’t squeeze through such a tiny gap. Guess that’s by design to keep the sheep off.

Way back was much easier just following the landy track back.

I had planned on returning later this year for some star shots or winter shots with the tree having shed its leaves. Sadly won’t ever be able to do that now as sad news today (28th September 2023) is that the tree was cut down overnight. Some young 16 year old is taking the rap I suspect for someone a lot older as there’s little chance it was a 16 year old who did it. Tree was marked with spray line to show where to cut, there was a wedge cut (not the best) and it looked like long smooth cuts which definitely didn’t come from an Aldi small electric chainsaw. That and it being in the middle of nowhere, in a storm, how the hell dis a 16 year old get there with a chainsaw, in the dark…..

Some people are just c@&£s!


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