Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I woke up during several times during the night. Messy dreams and difficulties to fall asleep again. I decided to check my Blip app and see if there were any news about a Blip friend I hadn't heard anything from in several months. Sadly I learned from his daughter in his last post, that he'd passed away. Even though I didn't have much interaction with him lately, I will miss Blipper Leonine for a bunch of reasons... his kindness and his humor among them. My thoughts go to his family. 

I came to work with a resolve to make the best of any situation today. I talked to my boss about having more alone work, and also that I'll try to set up boundaries for myself when people/coworkers talk with me a lot during work hours. And she'll help out with that too. I like talking with my coworkers, but I need to focus on what I need.
My chore for today was to continue with rearranging plants from one table to two other. The table they were on also had edible plants and we don't want any confusion. And in-between handling customers, I was moving plants around, trying to arrange them in a nice and inviting way. One table has those who crave a lot of water, and the other has those with more moderate water cravings. That arrangement was a suggestion from my boss and I knew it was the sensible one.
I got help, after their meeting, with setting up the black raised smaller tables to display what were on that particular table (except for the small pumpkins), and I also ran back and forth between the greenhouses to choose pots for the plants on display. And, also write little notes to put in the potted plants with the amount the plant and pot costs together. Otherwise people could assume that a plant costs only what the pot cost, and then we have to explain... 
I think I had 7 customers in total, during the 2 1/2 hours I had the cashier, and not a grumpy one and no mishaps on my part. 
I looked at my step counter when I reached the bus stop and realised that around 8000 steps were walked just at work, and then to and from work were created more steps of course. 
I'm happy it's the weekend and I can relax. :)

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