Jon's Page

By Jon_Davey

French Toast

We both rang the changes for breakfast, choosing other options from the menu. I think L won, with the French Toast which was awesome! After packing our bags - the room did look a little like a 'birthday bomb' had exploded in it with cards, presents and wrapping paper strewn over almost every surface - we headed home. We listened to the rest of the Birthday Playlist and then some more music that the Spotify algorithm suggested - sometimes good, other times rather lazily just playing tracks again from the playlist. Less a case of, 'you liked X so we think you'll like Y' and more, 'you liked X so here is... X again'. Back in Edinburgh we dropped the car off and walked home along the Prom. Birthday Week continued with another gift - a new boardgame. L is certainly setting a high bar ahead of her 60th next year!! 

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