I think this is a Pipevine swallowtail butterfly. Correct me if I'm wrong. The red bird of paradise is just on the other side of the backyard wall. I appreciate the butterfly's cooperation for staying a smidge above said wall!
I drove an hour into Tucson for a doctor appointment and an hour back. I saw the doctor for 10 minutes. The new sneakers seem to be working well, except when I drive for an hour. I bought thicker socks so I'm not getting any slipping in the heel.
In other news...The Buffalo Bills will be playing a game in London on 8 October. It's going to be on TV here at 6:30 am. I doubt I will be watching it live. But who knows?!
As my two sons were climbing into the back seat of our car, Eric, five, yelled, “I call the left side!” That didn’t sit well with Ron, four. “No, I want the left side!” “I want the left side!” “No, I want the left side!” Intervening, I said, “Since Eric is older, he can have the left side.” “Thanks, Dad!” said Eric. “Which side is left?”
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