
Only a little show - but only cost £85, with no accommodation costs (Jon stays with Laura, me at home), so break-even figure is low (less than £3K). We both did two orders, mine for total of nearly £1K, so pleased with that. Two lovely couples - unfortunately one is existing customer so won't be mine going forward - even though they bought a case from Kie and £650 from me (:
Jon was very nice about it and praised me (slightly patronisingly) for how I "built the order" - but he'll be mad that I did better than him (he sees himself as 'top dog' - which is all good as he'll be motivated today and work harder/ sell more!! Weather was lovely - sunny, not much wind, and felt warmer than the 18C it allegedly was...
My new customer is a folk musician - a few mentions of him online, so I've sent links to Bex for interest...
Being a caravan and motorhome show, lots of people stay on site - meaning (1) they're not worried about having a few samples, (2) you do get "come-backs" - people who try, say they love it, but want to see what's about and then come back to order later in the weekend when they've seen what else is out there etc...
Laura's new bloke went round to cook dinner for Jon and Laura last night, and Jon says he seems a top guy - and not at all like the previous one!! So fingers crossed there!
Good to have the show to keep my mind busy and not dwell on poor Mike TOO much...

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