STRAVA DAY 851-- Cycling practice stats and photos
B finally got his vintage console charged after _____ years.
He taught T how to play with it (granted it is another distraction/screen however it does not rely on internet service, does not constantly show sponsored ads and random Youtube videos that has to be watched just so T can earn gems or some "premium" items which requires us inputting our debit card details in and making video game app creators even richer).
In the image is an attempt for "Silly Saturday" : T beside B's action figures which has "THOR" in them: the Beast Kingdom Egg Attack THOR (which can't be exposed to sunlight) and the Multi-Charger THOR collectible (from a gasoline station's promo years ago) plus T's doodle used as phone design which made me laugh out loud (he requested custom design stickers for labelling his school stuff last week and yet when he got them, he just let them be rained on and crumpled.
A clarification about #thoringael 's name that I'd like to link here is that the Avenger Thor isn't where T's name is from.
Thorin is from Thorin Oakenshield of LOTR and Ga'el Gael Garcia Bernal (not Gael Garcia Marquez the Colombian author of 100 Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera --- books I still have in one of our dusty shelves) .
Title of this blip is from my reminder to T about situations and people while we were watching CRUELLA (2021 film) T mentioned how he views revenge as a normal response of anyone in Cruella's character situation however gave him that Albert Einstein quote . He rebutted that Emma Stone's character in the film is obviously not weak so had to say that granted Cruella is not physically weak or even mentally weak in the plot, still, what intelligent people do is ignore so as to not give any situation or person power over them.
Title is Japanese for : Intelligent people ignore.
It fits T's expression here.
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