A Visit to the Dentist

I escaped fairly lightly from the check up visit to the dentist this morning - a scaling and cleaning with only a £10 dent in my wallet.
This is in sharp contrast to the visits designated for His Lordship over the coming weeks when we may have to take out a small mortgage to pay for crowns and bridges.

It's always with a sense of relief that I skip out of the chair having suffered no injections or pain. Nevertheless my eyes are tightly closed and my hands clenched waiting for that pointed probe to find the nerve that will make me jump a foot in the air.

Worst of all is the injection when the dentist approaches with the dreaded needle behind their back until it is too close for the victim to appreciate fully the horrendous length of it.

But none of that today, just time to grab a blip of a showcase mouthful of perfect teeth, quite unlike my raggly chompers which despite their undoubted imperfections have served me well over the decades.

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