Yes today was celebrating Harvest, though it was a great service with guides, scouts and rainbows represented together with the flag of their organisation ( though this blip looks as if no one attended NOT SO) . But I must say things have change considerably since I was a child , also my daughters, as harvest was all about the growing of veg & fruit , bread representing wheat & corn, now its all about actual food items. Really harvest is all about sharing , a meal followed the service ,yes sharing a meal with those we know is our special harvest too. ( I didn't attend the meal as I had visitors) so I can share also.
Do hope your Sunday is special for you all too. It did look decidedly dull 1st thing , the alarm didn't go off for the sun, so I think he/ she had a lie in,lol. It is cloudy but 20%c here , certainly not cold.
Enjoy everyone.
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