Autumn Colours

Walked down to S'burys this morning to get my shin beef for my stew. I noticed the trees, when I came out of the store had started with their Autumn colours, so had to be my blip today. Only trouble was I only had my phone, and was not happy with the result looking at the couple of images I had taken. So this afternoon I popped back down with my camera, and took several shots, one you see here. There were two young lads, one on a bike, who were not quite sure what I was up to. So went over to let them know what I was doing,  as you can see the lad on the bike took himself out of scene and the other just turned away. 

It has been a dull, but warm day, the sun has tried to get through the cloud, and there is dampness in the air. 

I don't seem to have achieved much today, although the stew is done, just got the extra veg to do to with that tonight, and one or two other household chores.


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