In asynchronus mode..

By Mobius


..attended the first of 5 sessions with the Canon Missioner at his home in Vicars Court pictured above the other day. The official start of my journey to my confirmation to the Church of England in November. The modern thinking man's style suited me perfectly and watching "The Choosen" series on Netflix part of our suggested homework!

Eco Service & XR, underlining why it feels right time, the right place and the right thing for me to be confirmed. All the hymns, prayers etc were about looking after our precious world, an today's sermon was by Andy Lester a chartered  environmentalist from the worldwide Christian charity for the environment A Rocha. It also marked the Minster as being the first cathedral to become a partner in action. 

Chatting to him later he had attended XR events in London, but there wasn't currently any recognised relationship with the church - a bit too much at this stage.

The King
Mrs M accompanied on today's visit. He was weak from his chemo, but after a short nap he sprang into action and we had great fun, play fighting (from TK) and banter. He was on his best form yet; we left 2:20 mins later.

An uplifting day!

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