Life through my eyes

By Amanda_T


I was in bed from early evening last night and didn't get up until almost 09:00 this morning. Although sleep was disturbed, I felt a lot better this morning. Walk with J and B and then went to the Industrial Estate to do some motorbike practice. It was worth it and I am almost there now with biting points, throttle blip and not braking too early for junctions. I will do the same again next week if possible. Riding back home was probably the first time I could say I enjoyed it as there was less stress about the controls.

Then some odds and ends, Beau here while Jo took cardboard to the tip for me and did her hoovering and went to Tesco. Afternoon walk and admin things tonight.

I have only once reacted that badly to a vaccine and that was my first flu vaccine. I really did feel dreadful yesterday and was very glad not to feel the same again today.

On other news I saw Jo's other next door neighbour this morning and started a conversation. I also managed to enquire about the ongoing non-communication going on with Jo. It's a case of six of one half a dozen of the other. I went to take Jo's keys back to her and talked about it. She decided she would go round and speak to her. It went well and finally we have peace!

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