as seen

By jankerman

Meat Mable

Not how I/we planned to spend Sunday tea time. Spotted in the orchard in daylight, originally miss identified as a rat I was surprised when viewed through the rifle sights to see Mable. Daylight Hedgehogs are a red flag, her movements were wrong too. I took a plate of cat food out, upon which she didn't go into a defensive ball but just froze. I retreated a couple of passes and watched. She did start to feed tentatively, her flanks were heaving with each breath. I went for a box while Mrs A S phoned around the hedgehog rescues. Only the one furthest from us was answering calls. So we await her progress report, hopefully she will come back to the orchard when fit enough to be released.
Thanks for the support and kind words upon my day out on Friday! I will catch up again after missed Saturday. Take care one and all. ;-) 

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