Oh dear

I had today’s blip in the bag, but it wasn’t until I was putting the ‘tag’ in that I realised that I was using the TinyTuesday themes for MonoMonday.  Doh!!!
Worse still I can’t just retake the shot tomorrow as it wasn’t tiny.  Doh again!  At least I can use some of my write-up.
A quick hunt round for a suitable length of cord for mono, and this was lurking in a bedroom draw.  Cree torch to the rescue.
Not too bad a day.  A bit of shopping followed by a bit of gardening (more clearing up after the removal of the mini forest) followed by making doctor’s appointment and chasing up the doctor’s office as I found a few anomalies in my medical records, followed by Bubble Shooter, a nap and now my Blip (again).
So many thanks to Laurie and libeccio for hosting MonoMonday this month.

ps - if you are interested I have put my waisted mono up on Flickr so as not to waist it . . .  (It was the contents of my right hand trouser pocket)

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