Spent the whole day trying to get hold of the mechanic I use to fix the horse box as we're supposed to be going to a hunter trial on Saturday and also need it to move some stuff into storage. He asked me a question via what's app at about 10.30 am then ignored me for the rest of the day. Then at 5.15 tells me he can't fit me in this week. If he'd told me that at 10.30 then I could have rung around. So lost a whole day. Very frustrating. Ideally need someone mobile or I'll have to get it towed again. 

Mike's gone to Geneva for 3 days so I'm busy with kid taxis, horses, dogs and dinner again. Just too much to fit in to one day. Then we've had some stupid emails from our solicitor querying why we've moved £ from our savings into a current account and asking what a payment to Barclaycard is for! M received ten pages listing other people with the same first and last name as him who are apparently dodgy asking if any of them are him??! Aside from the fact that they have different dobs and middle names, if he is dodgy and listed on there, he's not likely to admit to it is he?! I honestly don't know what we are paying them for. They got the name of our village wrong three times and were corrected three times and they have referred to my business name as "Dogless" which is a really bad name for a dog walking company!! 

So feeling proper mithered. 

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