
By RosInAus

A Slo-o-o-w-w-w Day

Not another one! The weather report from here in Northampton, England is the same again. Grey, cold, windy, light rain on and off. I've got the tennis from Queen's Club on in the background as I work on the book design for Walk! Menorca. The current match has had at least 4 goes at completion - players just left the court again as rain (sigh) stops play.

I'm one of those whose mood is affected by the weather. No prizes for guessing - gloomy weather, gloomy mood. I had a quick walk round the village in between rain showers and can report that the fastest thing I saw was this Banded snail Cepaea hortensis climbing up a stem. Could be that it put on a burst of speed because there was another snail below it, climbing up behind.

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