Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Monday lace night ;)

Collected the boys from home early - our daughters car is not working so she was getting a lift to work.

Boys happy to be back in the routine of pre-school time at nanny/grandads - usually entails a bowl of strawberries and a slice of peanut butter on toast. Then off to school.

Logged back on at work to catch up - 3 hours later managed to sign off.

More catching up this afternoon before collecting our daughter, picking the boys up from after school on the way.

Meal out tonight with the lace ladies (tutor not available tonight so night off). We have been to this restaurant before, however the service was appalling - waited 20 mins before ordering, drinks arrived a further 20 mins later and then the meal arrived an hour later! They apologised (evidently the chef walked out mid shift) and offered to pay for our desserts. A further delay and the desserts arrived and coffee. When it came to pay there was NO staff around - I suggested we leg it! Decided not to, paid our way, said our bit and left. Not going back there again, it’s a shame as it spoiled a lovely evening.


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