Got no toys boys?

These children, like most nowadays, have loads of toys and electronic gadgets but isn't it great that they enjoy playing outside with something a bit unusual.
This toy was given to us by the council when our new house was built 17 years ago. I haven't played with it very much myself but, you'll be very glad to hear, I do keep it very clean.
Every week it is washed out and dried upside down, you never know when our daughter might need another bath - Oh, you won't know about that so just to embarrass her (although I won't tell you which daughter) I'll tell you.
Remember in 2007 when area of Gloucester and Tewkesbury had terrible floods and the Mythe water pumping station was knocked out? We did not have any mains water for 3 weeks, used bowsers on the sides of the roads. Well, it was difficult to bathe, couldn't shower of course as there was nothing in the water pipes.
Our daughter knows that I always keep the wheely bin clean and someone suggested she could use it for a bath and she took them up on it, wearing her swimming cossy of course.
I did get into trouble for sending a photograph of her to the BBC Breakfast show and they displayed a HUGE picture of her in the wheely bin bath on the wall behind the news presenters! She gave me hell but so many people contacted her to say how great it was that she forgave me, phew!

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