
The name of this escapes me at the moment but it has a gorgeous vanilla fragrance and blooms all summer long - it’s definitely a favourite. I trimmed all the spent flowers today to tidy it up a bit - it’s still going strong into October!

Got properly dressed today for a change and managed a bit of pottering around in the house and garden, interspersed with long stretches on the sofa. Where does the day go!

Phoned up to see if anything can be done about postponing my walking holiday the weekend after next as I’m not sure I’ll really be ready for bill walking, but they weren’t able to help as it’s too close to the date. It was worth asking anyway! I won’t be ready for work tomorrow but maybe the day after … which means I’ll have to brave the dreaded phone queue to speak to the doctors surgery about getting a fit note, what a pain! Last time I had covid and was off for more than 7 days you could still download your own fit note for covid infections but not any longer.

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