Book case.

I went to see a consultant  at the hospital this morning, for my dupuytern's  conracture..  ( bent fingers) After a quick examination of my hand, he gave me two options, and when I asked how long I had to decide, he said ten seconds, and he wasn't joking.   The first option was just doing half the job really, and the recovery time was the same. so I went for the full job which means he will straighten the fingers and remove the lumps.  I asked him how long I would have to wait, and he said he will put me down as urgent so it could be sooner rather than later, especially if they get a cancellation. My head is now all over the place, thinking about how I will manage without the use of my right hand, especially in the hygiene department, if you get my drift. It's time to start practicing.  He is the guy who will be performing the operation, so he said I will see you on the day.  We went for a coffee  at Sainsburys afterwards, so I could tell J all the details. 

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