Out and about

On my walks I get to catch up with neighbours.
So it was  tonight I learnt that the cost of insuring an eclectic car is shooting up to £5,000 a year.
So it looks as if the cost of going green is a luxury beyond most folks pockets.
Delighted to see the response to yesterdays blip “ Do you still iron?”
 It looks as if I might be in a majority not a minority for having abandoned ironing.

Excuse yet another blip of our local sunset but I have been tied to the computer all day having signed up for a video workshop and the first task is to reduce the classic French film “ Cleo from 5 to 7” from  90 minutes to three minutes.
I am not sure which is the most demanding the actual editing or the technology involved.
PS Its in French and I only possess very rusty school French. No there are no sub- titles.

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