
By wjm53


This morning we had a coffee at the Takahe then took the bus to Barrington Mall in order to vote early in our October 14th general election. I read an article online this morning which indicated that retirees without back up investments simply cannot make ends meet at the current level of superannuation (pension) payment. I am not personally complaining as we have provided well for our future. I am more concerned for those who have not and face long years of retirement in relative poverty. Whichever party becomes the government is faced with the mammoth task of putting everything together to provide the people of our country with the happy life that they so richly deserve.
Now, none of that would be concerning the star of my photo. As we walked down the street a cute little white face popped up in the rear windscreen of a parked car. No barking, just an inquisitive stare.

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