Scotties By The Sea

Scotties By The Sea is a trail of Scottie Dog Sculptures located through St Andrews and North Fife.

This particular Scottie Sculpture is to be found next to the west entrance of Holy Trinity Church in St Andrews. As I come across other Scotties I will try to photograph them.

Pat and I were in St Andrews for ‘shopping’. Pat likes to wander through the various charity shops, looking for various ‘treasures’. I look at the books they have for sail.

St Andrews as a University City does tend to have a very good selection of books available for sale and I did by a fine book by Sean Connery.

Another dreich day. However, storms predicted appear to have been cancelled.

Following on from yesterday’s Blipfoto the road signs appeared at regular intervals along the route to St Andrews. 

However, there were never any works.

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