
By Gallopinggran

Broccoli Soup !

Yes, I ventured to make soup today, having shopped yesterday & got ingredients, well thats what I thought I'd done. Wouldn't you just know it 2 ingredients were missed, hey ho an early trip back to the store. I've made a batch of Broccoli & Stilton soup both for tomorrow's lunch & for the freezer. Must say it tastes yummy. Usually I just do it ( re making any soups) but I thought for a change I'd follow a recipe, unlike my usual way this took everything but the kitchen sink( if you know what I mean!) However it is very good.
Then the usual clearing up & vacuuming now I'll make an Apple Crumble for tomorrow.
I'm having another trauma with the mobile not connecting to my home WiFi, grr! Still it will have to wait as I've got other urgent phone calls to make this pm.
Do hope you're all enjoying your Wednesday.. must say it's dry but black clouds looming here.

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