Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


For those who don't know what it is.
A4D (avond4daagse) is a evening walk that you do 4 days in a row.
A different route each day. It's just for fun.

We used to walk this with the whole family. But we haven't done that since I was little.
Walked it with my mother a couple of years, but this year she wasn't really feeling like it.

So I asked my boy to join me.
After a little trouble of getting there, we had a great walk.
Laughing and talking; evaluating our day.

Isn't he just lovely?
I can hardly understand why he hasn?t got tons of girls falling for him.

He is eating candy paper. He said something that wasn't that nice to me, so I made him stop by putting the little pieces of paper in his mouth.

Don't asked me what he was saying, I can't really remember.
So it probably wasn't that bad...

Second guessing now if he deserved it.

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