A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

Nanny and Billie

An evening at the pub tonight! A year ago I couldn't tell you the last time I had drunk alcohol and now it seems to be a regular occasion! I think a lot of it has to do with my state of mind! I'm in a much happier place now than I was a year ago!

Tomorrow we head off to our holiday in Cuba which was booked by my amazing husband to cheer me up. It's certainly worked and I'm seriously excited! I had always dreamt of getting married in Cuba so I'm happy I finally get to go nearly 8 years after we got married!

And then when we get back I'm in full on have another baby mode...eek!!!! Scary! We haven't actually consulted the clinic yet so it's a while off until we start but exciting still! I just won't think about the fact that our 7 previous attempts haven't worked and that it's going to cost is ridiculous amounts of money!!!

Oh and my friend has paid our entry to the Brighton Marathon so I'm training for that from July 1st! And launching a new business that week! Nothing like keeping myself busy!!!!

And in going now to rejoin my family and before I get too gushy! The wine is defiantly getting to my head!!!! I should manage a blip tomorrow and Thursday but after that I'm offline for 2 weeks!!!!

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