There was prolonged series of extremely loud noises last night, like maybe ground noise firecrackers going off, for over half an hour. I did think worse at some point, but the police station would have heard it all, and there were no police sirens nor police helicopter. And I do have a text number, because I am deaf, that I can report stuff that is not 999, which I did. So, hopefully some 'organised' thing? There are rifle ranges nearby but they are closed at 5pm.
When I went out out this morning to feed the stray cats, I realised I had left cat and bird food on the swing from during the day, a large bag of cat biscuits, a bag of peanuts, fatballs for the birds. I was restocking earlier on, but I was so tired yesterday I had fallen asleep before dark, and forgot to tidy up.
Nothing was touched. The full bag of catfood was there, the large bag of peanuts unopened...nothing was touched. That is way not normal for either the badgers or foxes. They would have opened the lot, and Pa Badger would have gone back to the sett and brought the rest of his family back to my garden. Checked the sd cards this morning (normally they go in envelopes so when I have time I check them all in sequence so I can post my little videos in sequence, and I re edit them again on the day I post them because they are too long, and because there is usually so much action, I have a couple of weeks of cards and prepared videos, the boring ones get deleted). So it is only in an emergency, or if I think something happened in the night, that I will check that night's video clips.
Nothing on all last night's videos. No fox. No badger. Not even one of my stray cats. Cat Midnight did not go out at all last night. This is not normal. The loud noises had scared him badly or else he knew what it was, and he slept right besides my head on my pillow last night (I'll have to put a clean pillow case on tonight). I couldn't get him to go outside this morning.
So my next thoughts are the badger setts are in the woods behind me...
Last night I went online on the neighbourhood site asking if any one else could hear these noises, no one responded. Usually people do come online when there are noises or police action or something. Nothing this morning either, so I am hoping it's some kind of 'celebration' people knew about.
Anyway, the nighttime wild life video (as I said above, from a few weeks ago) is Ma & Pa Badger greet each other.
17 secs
Creative is an acrylic painting I did in the garage.
I looked at it this morning, and started working in it with my silhouette app, and Procreate, but an hour later I deleted all my workings, and am posting it just as it was painted, except I put it in Snapseed and used the the FadedGlow filter ...
Time for my nap.
Time for another coffee.
Time to make a cuppa tea.
But I feel like having breakfast first...
Have your best day...
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