
By Dibsie


This had to be a one shot take. I literally had 5 mins spare to take my sp in between returning from home, picking up Nigel's birthday present and shooting off to meet everyone to be there for the showering of gifts on to the birthday boy.

Add to the fact that I took 3 shots and then my battery died, then realising i'd made the mortal sin of not having my spare one charged, I was in a bit of a flap!!

So it's blurry, I've cut off the top of my head but hey, I think that shows my personality off a bit and I still like it. Also I don't have many photo's of me with my glasses on - as I said, I was in a rush!

This did start me thinking - i'm not one for taking SP's, I find them quite hard, aside from the practical side of setting it all up with the right focus, composition and getting the timing right (I really need one of those remote control thingies), how do you get them looking natural? Instagram seems to be full of people who take so many (too many) of them. Not that i'm going to go all vain and start doing loads but it would be interesting to get some tips on taking a good SP if any of you have some...

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