
By Rosemarie55

RAF Plate Camera!

14°C  -  16 mph SW Wind Speed  -  33 mph Gusts  -  Overcast.  My cameras are getting a bit heavy for me now so I'm thinking about something lighter.  This got me thinking about how I came into photography in the first place. When I joined the RAF in 1948 I wanted me a driver but their tests said I would make a better photographer!!  My blip is of the Thornton Pickard plate camera that we learnt from.  Very basic and the only thing I can remember from the course was how to count in seconds:-))  Oh, and how to develop the plates.  There was no health & safety in those days so our hands got very brown from the developer we used. I guess things are more technical now  - if you're interested here's a LINK to day's school.

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