The day to start is today

By Traci

Memory is a complicated thing

A relative to truth, but not it's twin

I discovered a day or two ago that my youngest keeps a small journal filling up with quotes, similar to my own where I try and use one a day on my Blip diary, whether clever, humourous or just downright sarcastic. It was strange to find she basically does the same. So for a little while I am going to use some of the ones she has collected. My observation is however that hers are on the whole a little more thoughtful and reflective possibly than mine. It could be an age thing I suppose, youth and thoughtfulness as opposed to maturity and being a bit of a grumposaurous. Thankfully she is very very funny a lot of the time.

Had to blip MY flag today, well actually a Standard rather than a flag I believe. As Mendip Division Commissioner I have a representative Standard for the time of my appointment, and have to look after the ruddy thing. It wouldn't be so bad but it is put together with millions of Trefoil Guild Lady hours, silver and gold thread and I get into trouble if it gets wrinkled ??? It's actually off to a party tomorrow (my stand in hehe - gets out more than I do) for the 20th year of the Ladies who were involved in it's construction - I don't really send it out anytime I can't attend (mind you it could be a good idea)
I hope to goodness they are happy with it being kept in the manner it has become accustomed to (stuck under my bed !!) It is so beautifully put together it is rather a big responsibility. How would I ever replace it, might have to take a needlework class or three.

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