Into The Unknown

By lindastuff

The French Treat

What a brilliant day. Five of us girls caught the SeaCat from Portsmouth and arrived in Cherbourg in time for a beautifully presented and delicious meal, at Le Vauban restaurant.
This blip is one of five courses and is turbot and cockles with veg, so pretty and just enough.
We caught the boat back three hours later by the skin of our teeth.
The restaurant owner was very pleased that we had come all that way just to have lunch in her restaurant. Last week her brother won an award for cooked cheese dishes- well deserved, judging by our meal.
There was no time to go to a supermarket which suited us fine as there is often a good French market in Winchester.
The sea was quite calm and it was really enjoyable just sitting chatting and getting to know the girls better. What a treat!

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