Rubbish view

WFO today and second half of this months Springboard session, delivered via zoom

I feel that, as a group, the digital delivery means we miss out on the social interaction that would happen before and after an in person session and that it will be more challenging to create any longer term connections or support networks We practised saying positive things about ourselves. Mine was that I've actively supported others in my role as a mental health first aider whilst going through a period of poor mental health myself and that I am resilient, empathetic and courageous. I had other qualities I had picked out bit had to quickly choose 3. I really want to add practical to that list right now for some, unknown reason.

At lunchtime I popped to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription and to M&S for a wrap. I walked with my line manager and expressed that I am alternating between anger, disappointment, frustration and concern at the moment as I feel I do not have the information that I need to do my job properly, that we need to do better for our teams The incomplete and incorrect information that was subsequently shared didnt alleviate any concerns i have and I was left without conviction that things have turned a corner and lacking any motivation to try any more. I can only hope I am wrong and there will be some fixes tomorrow.

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