Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The garden from the conservatory door.

The Feast Day of Saint Bruno.
Today has been very rainy and the wind very gusty. I can not see much of Hameldon Hill on the horizon, now at 5pm.
The temperature without heating on is 19.7c
I found indoor tasks to do. I continued crocheting.
Paul is continuing to rearrange the many boxes and things in the garage. He put some things up in the attic. It is a very clean, dry,museum storage space.
He went out and returned with a few cupboards and white bookshelves.
I helped sort some of my books.

Suffice it to say, it is a work in progress. We have collected, each of us, many wonderful books. In my case, plants too.

I love Friday, even though I am retired.

I hope you all have a good weekend.
Thank you for visiting my site.

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