Feeling better

By Suziep71

Mmm choccies from a pt lovely.

I looked after this person a while ago, I sort of work with her. Anyway today she brought me on some lovely chocs to say thank you.

I was really pleased and it cheered me up after the strange week that I have had.

A very good friend or so I thought of 30 years has gone very strange and distant on me. After emailing her etc she has said that we should go our separate ways. We've not fallen out or anything like that. She's just become distant since she moved house.

I'm upset about it but looking back on our friendship I think that it might be the best thing as she was me me me orientated.
I think what hurts the most is that I tried to sort things but she acted like she was the hard done to person and then wasn't bothered about losing the friendship.

Well as they say 'all good things must come to an end' this is me trying to be strong and not bothered. Not sure if its working though.

Good thing that happened today -

I was given these chocs which means a lot as a nurse.

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