A MIMent In Time

By justmim


Salisbury crags after the tourist rush :)

Nothing too much has really happened today - finished my sleepover shift, did some laundry, sent some e-mails, ate some lunch and then took a trip out to the shops. I went out full of hopes to find at least one of graduation ceremony outfit/graduation ball dress but neither was to be found today.

After dinner I decided to make the most of a bizarre burst of energy and, as a bit of a test for myself, see how far up Arthur's Seat I could get in a relatively short space of time. Despite having practically skipped down the stairs from my flat and near enough power-walked along the street I still had enough energy to get further, quicker than I thought I maybe would :)

Unfortunately I struggled to get the settings on my camera quite right for such a grey and overcast evening. As the sun was starting to poke through the clouds I took a walk along the crags, I'm not sure what this pair were talking about or their relationship (though having passed them later I think maybe father/son) but they really seemed to be enjoying each other's company.

Just a lovely, calm, still evening :)

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