
By Houseonahill6

Another amazing sky

Another great sky this morning with fantastic clouds. Making the most of it before the rain sets in.
Still waiting for the Doctor to call back , I think she’s forgotten.
Mike got back at 2pm this afternoon. Not too bad a journey and he had a nice time going to see New Order in Glasgow last night.
Phoned Boots to see if my prescription was now ready , she said yes but when Mike picked it up there was still one item they were waiting for, not urgent so it does not really matter.
Had a letter through for a breast screening appointment so had to phone them to see if I still needed to go. I do not as I’m under the consultant for the next 5 years. She said that unfortunately the systems do not work together so she’s cancelled that appointment for me and I’ll need to do the same in 3 years.
Richard is having a lovely time in Lisbon, fantastic weather.
David has enjoyed his first week in his new job. Lots of software to get his around.

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