Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Just in time.

I'm currently attempting to switch my "daytime" to the night so that on Saturday I won't be wanting to go to sleep just as I'm about to embark on my 26.2 mile charity walk. This has the unfortunate effect that knowing I've got hours to go before bedtime, I feel I have hours left to blip.

I even discussed this with my mum today. So what should happen but two minutes to midnight when I'm sat in the kitchen making dinner I suddenly notice the time. Run to the bedroom to grab the camera. Remember it's in the kitchen. Run back. Wish it wasn't set on flash, turn flash off *click*, check time and breathe a sigh of relief, still one minute to go.

That's the point I realised the camera was saying it was the 16th. After checking with five different clocks in the house, I realise the camera is between one and three minutes fast. Hopefully I'll still be allowed to use this picture as it technically was taken today but we'll see. Goes to say I have now updated my camera time to match that of my radio controlled (most accurate) clock.

So sorry for an uninspired blip of a half made salad.

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