secret garden

By freespiral

Walking on Water

No heatwave here just murky moistness but good for working in the garden. Himself stacked the recent log delivery and I cut back the royal fern and bracken that had reached monstrous proportions round the pond. I wanted to clear some of the reeds and water plants choking the pond. There are a little weedy islands but how sturdy they are is not clear, and we don't really know how deep the pond is . Himself decided a palette might work as a sort of ladder, attached ropes to it and lugged it onto one of said islands. I clambered aboard,  armed with the hedge cutter - pretty silly! Himself took over after a bit and you can see how he had to work fast for the seepage rose quite quickly! We achieved though and the pond is looking a lot better.
He has now gone up to the man cave to watch the rugby - Ireland v Scotland - I might join him for the last half hour, my nerves can't cope with more.

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