Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Early start to get over to a Belvoir PC Hunter trial. We entered the 40cm assisted which meant I could go in and help if needed. Jack wasn't in one of his helpful moods! He refused a couple of the fences for no reason as they were dinky and well within his capabilities then took off up the hill back to the entrance where the other ponies were. Eva went white as a sheet but got him back and finished the course to a big round of applause and commendation on the loud speaker for how well she rode. He was not easy today. Despite all that she came away with a frilly for sixth place and it was a fairly large class so they did well. We also did a clear round SJ. Had to borrow a horsebox from a friend so I was mega nervous driving over. 

Had a lesson with Ruth on Buddy when I got back. Had to pair up with another lady as she was being bloody awkward about times. I'd already bagsied the spot and didn't want to hang about at the yard for 3 and half hours after having an early start so I just said to pair up. Didn't get as much out of it and feel a bit annoyed but also would have felt bad if she missed out (even though that wasn't down to me!) Nevermind. 

Continue to feel poorly. Worried I've picked up something in Majorca or I've developed a food intolerance or Radiation induced colitis or worse:0(

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