I did it again.

If I had stopped with the 8-block walk yesterday, I’d probably be fine today. But Seth called and invited me to go out to dinner with him and the children at an Indian restaurant with a big outdoor eating area. Cristina is away; she left Tuesday for her uncle’s funeral in Arizona and then Wednesday had to report for work with Maxwell.

I hadn’t seen the children since Seth’s birthday, so I just couldn’t say no. 

It’s a popular restaurant, so there was no parking nearby. Seth had to park five blocks away, on a hill. He asked if he should drop me off and go find parking, but I said no, a little walk would do me good, not thinking about the five-block walk uphill after dinner. 

It was a joy to be with them, but on the walk back up the hill I was panting and gasping for breath. Today it’s two steps back. I’m sorry for posting pictures from last night, but I’m certainly not leaving the apartment today, and the love between Evan and his dad moves me. Seth and I both never knew our fathers (long story), so neither of us has ever known this. Bella sat next to me (extra), and I saw clearly how deep the love goes with all of them. How lucky these children are to have such loving relationships with their parents! They have no idea how rare that is, and I hope they never have to learn.

Today I’m being very quiet. Sue is still testing positive. This is her tenth day. We talked for a while on the phone. 

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