
By ayearinthelife

She’s So Lovely

That song was performed live two times yesterday. Once by the mighty Route 66, on an open stage in front of Barrow Town Hall, and then later on by this bunch at The Forum. Hard to say which version went down best - us in front of a couple of dozen hardy souls or Scouting For Girls in front of hundreds of happy souls jumping up and down and singing along at the top of their voices!
Last time I saw the band was 15 years ago at the height of their fame. That time Stu and I were the oldest people in the audience by some considerable margin. We looked like a couple of grandads who had come to pick up the kids after the show! Last night, the audience was more of a mix, with everyone out for a good time regardless of age.
Yesterday had started with us receiving Covid and Flu jabs - one in each arm. Mrs C didn’t feel too clever later on in the evening, but I was fine. Well, right up until the end of the concert when they played “that” song - an enthusiastic young lady flung her arms around me and started jumping up and down. Unfortunately, her fingers dug into my arm right where I’d had the Covid jab. Difficult to keep smiling and singing when your arm feels like it’s just been punched by Tyson Fury!
Tonight’s concert is a lot more sedate - The Hollies. We have seats in the circle and I doubt very much there will be a mosh pit. Should be plenty to sing along to though.

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