
My head is buzzing with positive thoughts today. Now if I can just put those thoughts into motion it would be great. I wonder why the spark isn't always there and only comes in spurts. Maybe it was the dose of vitamin D I gave myself today.

I arrived at my sister's house, as did my mom and my other sister, because today was hair coloring day. On the ride down I felt the sun coming in through the car's windshield on my arms and it felt so good that when I walked into my sister's house, I dropped my bags and walked out into her yard to park my butt on a lounge chair with my face directed at the sun. After the flooding rain we had yesterday it was nice to feel the sun on my face. Sunglasses and sunblock in place of course but it still felt good. I think it inspired me.

On the way home I saw this beautiful hibiscus and decided on the spot that they would be my Blip of choice. I have never had luck growing these plants myself. I've planted many but they never made it through the season. Whenever I see someone that has been successful growing them I want to knock on their door and ask how they did it. I controlled myself from doing so and just snapped a few photos and got back in the car. These flowers will remain a mystery to me.

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