
By Groggster

Not Quite On Trend To Be A Moonfluencer

Today felt like a busy day and included an early morning run, two long chats, al fresco cake consumption, two pub visits, a urinating fox, a full moon and a meet up with the Maltesers.
I'd already done four runs this week but after I'd dropped by brother off at the station and invigorated myself with a couple of cups of coffee I was feeling energised so I decided to venture out for another run. I waited until just after 9 am and it made such a difference to avoid the passing rush hour traffic. I must admit I did have a quite zen like demeanour by the time I got back.
After breakfast it was time to nip up to the shops for supplies for Fri-yay night dinner. It was then back home to put a full wash on and sit for a 'well earned' rest reading the papers. I'm a huge fan of our local paper The Kent Messenger - I used to find it really boring when I was younger but I love it now, maybe another sign of advancing years!
Full wash put out on the line it was time for lunch and a sneaky glass of wine and then a listen to my current podcast The Banksy Story on BBC Sounds - the story of Banksy's rise from secretive artist to international icon. I wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan of his artwork but this is a fascinating and entertaining listen - thoroughly recommended.
I'd just settled into an early afternoon of happy solo inertia when my friend A arrived bearing cakes. As it was warm and sunny we sat out in the back garden drinking tea and coffee with our cakes and having a good old chinwag and setting the world to rights.
After A left it was time for some more housework - getting all the washing back in again and folded away and a downstairs hoover. Just as I'd sat down again my mate M rang. He's been a friend for nearly 20 years since we met at work and we usually have a chat over the phone most Fridays. It's always great to speak to him but boy he can talk - he can sometimes be on the line for over and hour and a half and it can be difficult to get a word in edgeways at times.
I'd just got off the phone when I saw a fox in the garden, the first sighting I've had of one for several months. It looked like a male and he was in fine fettle. As he'd made the effort to show up I felt I should furnish him with a snack so I cast some cold meat out on to our back lawn and he proceeded to eat every scrap and then as a 'thank you' he then urinated all over our peg basket (reminder to self to wash my hands before I hang the next wash out!). Charming!
It was then time to collect my brother from the station and head out to the first pub of the day - The Red Bull at Eccles - for our usual Friday night pint. It's the start of the weekend for my brother and his face is a picture of pure happiness when he has that first pint in his hand.
We then headed home via M&S for a few more supplies. By the time we got back I suddenly remembered I hadn't got my image for blip when I looked up and realised it was a full moon. Blip done!
The first thing I think of when I see a full moon is not its supposedly mood altering properties (including the rise of so-called "moonfluencers" - who apparently 'celebrate' the moon, 'charge' their crystals in the moon's light and 'moonbathe'?!) or even werewolves but Jaffa cakes (see tag below)!
Once indoors I was just about to put the dinner on when it registered I was running late for my meet up with the Maltesers (a group of friends and old workmates) at my second pub of the day so I only had time for a quick snack before heading back out again.
As always it was so great to see everyone and the topics of conversation varied widely as usual - cybersecurity, the merits of Andre Rieu, buying a used Ford Kuga, golden retrievers, how we used to make up fake Chinese proverbs (one example being "may the mantelpiece of your mind be forever shiny"), ignoring any kind of health and safety regulations at work back in the 90's and the names we gave some of our office caretakers (one chap went by the marvellous moniker of "Geoff Stand By Your Beds" - he was ex-army so we always used to stand up and salute him every time he came into the office!). 
Quite an action packed day for me!

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