Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

A peaceful place

Funeral today. Elderly lady of our acquaintance. Very beautifully done. These are the lovely crematorium gardens. The combination of traditional stained glass chapel and twin huge monitors displaying the life story of the departed was impressive. I now feel like I am living in the sci fi world predicted in my youth.

In the afternoon I had the dentist where my broken tooth got fixed. Quickly, unfussily, using high tec materials bonded with ultra violet light. Again a far cry from days of old.

Then back home I sorted out the garden tool chest which definitely was old school. With old school rust and crusty snails.

We played games in the evening including a new one called Quorridor. Lo-tech with wooden pieces. Clever but simple. Very old school.

Situation in Israel / Gaza is grimmer each day. Much more blood will be spilt before this is done. If it ever will be.

That was Monday. 

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