Toots in Solitude

By Toots


A wild wind blowing outside just now.

Quite a few important phone calls to be made this morning, all done now and out of the way for the moment. 
I made a nice lunch for myself (missing Donald) of slow cooked organic chicken with a tomato and onion base sauce.
Luke hasn't heard back from the garage yet and so I still don't have my car but Donald reassures me he still has plenty of supplies in to keep him going and so I don't yet need to jump on a bus to go out to his cottage. It seems strange not to see him for all this time.
This evening I popped over to Kay to look at some wedding photos. A very lovely looking Scottish location, all I can discover is that it's somewhere near to Stonehaven. I'll get all the gen when I eventually meet up with Ruth and Damian.
I'm a bit addicted to Squardle at the moment, too much time on my hands perhaps.

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