Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

Woops, I seem to have a bit of back blipping to do...

We haven't been particularly busy, I've not been on the laptop much. I have been on my phone but dislike doing write ups on there.

Had Isaac weighed today at 13 weeks and he is 13lb 10oz. His growth is slowing a little but that could be to do with the 10-11 hours he is sleeping every night and him dropping his night feed.

Amelie walked really nicely again to the children's centre where the baby clinic is and back. She had a quick lunch and I took her up to nursery. She has insisted on taking a pear to nursery for fruit and drink even though we both know she won't eat it! I'm glad I bought the pears for her though as they are actually rather nice. I am not usually a big pear fan. Amelie told me last week that she will eat one and enjoy it when she is 15...

I've made some quick flapjacks and now its feeding time again (3 month growth spurt) so I'm just about to request that Chris brings me one along with a cup of tea...he's doing some work from home today.

On the way to the clinic we were looking for more snails and Amelie said ''I saw a jamaged one Mummy. Remember last time you stood on one and it went crunch? That was a shame wasn't it Mummy?" Yes, yes it was a shame!

This photo is this months contribution to my monthly "Daddy shoulder collage". Definitely my favourite so far bar newborn wrinklyness. Silly me told Chris to do the wrong shoulder at month 1!

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