Christmas in October? Say it ain't so!
The nutcracker towered over the aisle in Sam's Club. I don't like it when "the" season shows up too early, so when nobody was looking...I climbed up with a safety pin and poked him in the boot. Suffice it to say...he won't be cracking walnuts anytime soon. He was both defeated and deflated. (Don't believe that story.)
Trying so hard not to use the nutcracker as a segue...I had a cystoscopy performed this morning. It's the procedure where they go through your "cysto" with a scope to examine your urethra, the prostate, and your bladder. (I've been having blood in my urine.)
My local doctor warned..."I'm not going to lie. It is not a pleasant procedure."
The specialist this morning said..."This is not going to hurt, but it is a VERY weird feeling.
The specialist was closer. It felt like you REALLY needed to pee, I mean REALLY needed to pee. Fortunately, it didn't last long, and double fortunately, my prostate and bladder looked good.
The doctor said..."Looks fine, so I don't want to see you for awhile."
I replied..."Good. I don't want to see you either, but thank you."
Glad it's over.
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