
The usual round of weekly kick-off meetings at work started my week in a generally positive mood. Maybe it’s because I know that I am not going to be here much longer, that makes my approach to a lot of the work quite positive. Or maybe we’re just in a good place!

One of  the problems with working from home when I’m trying to keep this picture diary is that there are days when I really don’t leave the house and there’s not a lot to take a picture of. Over the years, I have maintained a view of things that I own with the #HouseInventory. This has both been a way of filling the diary when I don’t have a great deal to show, but also a wonderful way of keeping a record of things that I own or that are important to me and that might be interesting to see in a few years time.

And so today, I present the cushions. I am pretty certain that the ‘Good Evening Europe’ cushion has been featured here before but perhaps not so much the London underground tube lines cushion. I love both of these because they are quite reflective of the personalities in this house.  They have sat looking at us on the chair, assuming we are on the sofa, for many years. Nonetheless, they are very much part of this house.  And to be fair, when sat on the chair, there quite comfy although I’m glad they do not get squashed too much. 

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